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REPORT • Thursday, 02 Mar 2023

Ways of Acquiring Sustenance

Fifteen legislated ways and means that help a person to acquire rizq (sustenance).
By Abu Iyaad

Table of Contents

1 — Seeking Forgiveness
2 — Repentance
3 — Piety (Taqwā)
4 — Reliance Upon Allāh (Tawakkul)
5 — Spending Upon a Seeker of Knowledge
6 — Establishing the Legislation of Allāh
7 — Performing Hajj and ʿUmrah
8 — Keeping Ties of Kinship
9 — Spending in the Path of Allāh
10 — Benevolence Towards the Weak
11 — Emigration in the Path of Allāh
12 — Supplication (Duʿā)
13 — Remembrance of Allāh (Dhikr)
14 — Earnestness in Seeking Provision
15 — Gratitude (Shukr)

5. Spending Upon a Seeker of Knowledge

The evidence is the ḥadīth of Anas bin Mālik (raḍiyallāhu ʿanhu) who said:

There were two brothers in the time of the Messenger of Allāh (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and one of them would come to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) [to learn] and the other would pursue his trade profession. So the one who would pursue his profession complained about his brother to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and he replied: "Perhaps you are being provided for due to (your spending upon) him."[1]

From the benefits of this ḥadīth are the commendability of spending upon a seeker of knowledge and that spending upon a seeker of knowledge brings about sustenance for the spender. And one should take care to spend only upon the seeker of knowledge who is a person of the Sunnah, upon the ʿaqīdah and manhaj of the Righteous Salaf, one who loves and hates for its sake and who befriends and disavows for its sake, one who loves the Scholars of the Sunnah and respects them and takes from them in the affairs of his religion.

1. Reported by al-Tirmidhī.

© Abu Iyaad — Benefits in dīn and dunyā


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