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Prepare for a Disease Even Deadlier Than Covid, WHO Chief Warns

Tuesday, May 23 2023

The planet should be ready for a disease even deadlier than Covid, the head of the World Health Organisation warned yesterday.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the World Health Assembly forum that the threat of another public health crisis could not be kicked 'down the road'.

He also claimed that, despite the darkest days of the pandemic being consigned to history, a doomsday Covid variant with the power to send the world back to square one could still spawn.

In Geneva, Switzerland, Dr Tedros said : 'The threat of another variant emerging that causes new surges of disease and death remains. And the threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains.

He was speaking as the WHO unveiled a new global scheme to spot and track the most dangerous pathogens at an annual meeting of its 194 member states.


The WHO is a bought and paid for institution, strongly influenced by the Chinese Communists, philanthrocapitalist Bill Gates and his various institutions and alliances, and numerous Western nations whose cabinets have been penetrated by corporate interests (WEF), chief among them the US, the UK, France and Germany.

Who Funds the WHO
Video: The WHO is 80% privately and/or voluntarily funded and funders tell it what to do. It serves the interests of these funders [who are heavily invested in pharmaceuticals and injections and have broader political, economic and social agendas].

Croation MEP Mislav Kolakušić in the EU Parliament
Video: The WHO seeks to take authority from nations over health matters, it tells lies and should be called a terrorist organisation.

WHO could gain powers to impose lockdown on UK
Telegraph: MPs fear new treaty designed to increase the organisation’s powers would enable it to enforce border closures and vaccine passports.

A WHO pandemic treaty would be a threat to our freedom
Telegraph: Proposals for a global response shouldn’t see the light of day – healthcare decisions must be taken by national parliaments.

This corrupt organisation is being used to serve ideological, political, economic and social agendas—including promotion of homosexuality, sexualisation of children and destruction of family—using “environmentalism” as the broad umbrella with climate change (carbon) and virology (contagion superstition) as two key drivers of the agenda.

Fraud and pseudoscience in these fields is disguised as “The Science” with multitudes of paid priests promoted as “scientists” and “experts” playing with the minds and hearts of the masses and often making mockery of them.

These priests scare the masses with imaginary and grossly exaggerated worst-case scenarios fabricated through computer simulations and models having no semblance to reality.

Science deals with the cause and effect of phenomena that have actually occurred, the study of empirical facts and realities, not future predictions with crystal (silicon) balls. "Modelling" and modelling studies have become the new "science".

The manufacturing and faking of pandemics for the selling of serums and injections through virus mania, for impoverishing nations, pushing communisation of health in addition to communisation of wealth is an art that has been mastered with “Covid-19”, despite a failed earlier attempt with the Swine Flu Scam of 2009.

Our concern with this matter is as it relates to Tawḥīd and the harmful impact of these lies and pseudosciences upon creed and conduct, as well as protection of beneficial interests, given that the Malthusian Eugenicists are actively seeking to reduce the world’s population under the guise of health equity and saving Gaia (Mother Earth) from the scourge, parasite and leech of man.

From the greatest of weapons in their depopulation toolkit are injections (vaccinations), which rest upon the pseudoscience and superstition of viral contagion, the claim of the disbelievers that "infectiousness" is an inherent property of a disease and that a sick person "transmits" his illness to others, which is a statement of Jāhiliyyah, as occurs in the authentic Prophetic traditions.[1]

Protection of Creed from Darwinian Pseudoscience

The following points should be noted by those who do not wish to have their beliefs, emotions and behaviours toyed with by the speculative pseudosciences of the people of disbelief:

01  From the greatest foundations of contemporary disbelief is the claim that life arose and evolved due to Darwinian “viruses” (RNA) emerging out of a soup in a pond. Subsequently, due to struggle and competition for survival, these “viruses” evolved into higher life forms, eventually giving rise to biological life and speciation. Disease is a manifestation of that struggle and is nothing but a by-product of the flawed process of creation (which is undirected evolution), with there being many vulnerabilities within biology for entities such as "viruses" to invade, hijack and replicate. This ongoing Darwinian struggle is the basic process behind the appearance and evolution of all of life, and all the flaws therein, including disease states.

02  This falsehood clashes with the truth in so many ways. From them is the fact that Allāh’s creation is not built upon struggle (within species) for survival, but rather mutual cooperation, symbiosis.

Allāh created His creation upon balance, with some things being of aid, assistance, support, utility to others, both within species and between species, with man being at the top of the chain, with all things subjected for his use and benefit. Everything in creation reflects measure (تقدير), precision (إتقان), benevolence (إحسان), wisdom (حكمة), being the product of the precise and measured actions of an all-Knowing, all-Wise Creator.

03  Colds, flus, poxes, pneumonias and acute (short term) diseases in general are nothing but emergency healing and repair mechanisms initiated by the body to handle diseased or dead tissues, cells and linings caused by various factors. So long as it has not been compromised, the body, being a self-aware, intelligent, homeostasis seeking system works to eliminate waste, morbid and dead tissues, cells or linings through the quickest or most-efficient route. From organ, tissue or lining, to blood or mucous, to lymph, then to skin or orifice. It is a highly co-ordinated, intelligent response. In the process we suffer discomfort and "dis-ease" as the body seeks its way to homeostasis. The goal of a true physician is to aid the body's intelligent, biologically meaningful processes, not to arrest, or block them which keeps the causes of the ailment within the body, only to manifest in some other way in some other place.

04  If you understand the above reality—a manifestation of the manifestations of Allāh’s Rubūbiyyah (Lordship)—you will come to know the secret of "vaccination" and what it does. This quote from around 150 years ago will help you understand this:

Dr. Epps, director for twenty-five years of the Jenner Institute, says: The vaccine virus is poison. As such, it penetrates all organic systems, and infects them in such way as to act repressively on the pox. It is neither antidote nor corrigent; nor does it neutralise the small-pox, but only paralyses the expansive power of good constitution, so that the disease falls back upon the mucous membranes. Nobody has the right to transplant such mischievous poison into the life of a child.[2]

05  Vaccination depresses the body's constitution such that outward movement of a pox for example (which is waste, dead material, toxins), from tissue to blood or mucous, to lymph, then to skin or orifice, is halted and pushed back. It appears to the onlooker that this person has been made “immune” from illness, or has suffered only a mild illness, without its full expression, when in reality, the disease is pushed back into the body, only to resurface in the same or some other form later on in life. This is what happens with Measles for example, which is an acute detoxification program, its full expression, which is highly beneficial for the child's overall health and growth, is suppressed via vaccination.

The "antibodies" that are produced are deceptively taken as a sign of "immunity". It is the highly toxic adjuvants (heavy metals, lipids, squalene etc.) added to vaccines which shock the body into a response (release of proteins called "antibodies"). This is then attributed to the alleged "viral" content of the vaccine, which is the rotten, broken down contents of animal cell cultures, which on their own, would not produce the desired antibody response.

06  Flus and colds can never be cured, because they are nothing but emergency healing or repair programs, which the body needs from time to time in order to maintain its overall integrity.[3] There are many causes involved including change of seasons, enervation (stress on nervous system, due to trauma, extreme heat, cold etc.), violations in diet, lifestyle, habits, toxicity, emf radiation and so on. They are not caused by "viruses" as occurs in the crass pseudosciences, make-believe and superstition of the disbelievers.

07  Allāh is the one who placed these inherent mechanisms within biological life in general and within humans in particular, and he is described as the True Healer (الطبيب). This is very different to what is claimed by the people of disbelief in their materialist pseudosciences, where imaginary predatory Darwinian viruses are said to be the cause of illness, giving rise to superstition and unwarranted fear of other disease-free, healthy people, and are also said to be direct, observable, ongoing proof of Darwinian theory (through mutations, variants).

Viewpoint - Influenza A H1N1: past and future

Professor John Oxford reflects on how this Darwinian virus came to dominate the 2010/11 flu season.

We have just been visited by the third wave of a classical super fit, dominant and very Darwinian pandemic virus. In fact Charles Darwin would find it incredible to view his own theory of survival of the fittest proved before his very eyes in one year.[4]

As for the sick, one may avoid them if one believes in the view of contagion, holding that the dead materials and toxins (not “viruses”) that the sick eliminates may make him ill, that is fine. But as for treating the healthy as if they are asymptomatic carriers of plague and contagion on the basis of Darwinian pseudoscience, then that is from the superstition and exaggeration that the Prophetic guidance came to put an end to.

Rather, the Prophetic guidance came to put an end to exaggeration in the matter of contagion with respect to sick people, what then would be the case with healthy people?

08  The misguided germ theorists sought—within the background of Darwinian evolutionary theory—to find the cause of disease in biological organisms upon a one-disease, one-germ, one-cause, one-treatment model. Initial assumptions, if wrong, affect the nature and direction of scientific inquiry and introduce bias and error into observations, interpretations and claims. This is something that all theories are subject to.

When looking at diseased tissue with microscopes, they saw small organisms (bacteria) which they wrongly misinterpreted as causative agents, similar to how charcoal and ash are misinterpreted as causes of a fire by their mere presence at the location of the fire, being by-products of the fire, not its cause.

Bacteria are janitoral in nature, they are housekeepers and come to the scene of dead, diseased or damaged cells, tissues and linings. They break down the tissue for repurposing and reuse or for elimination. This was called an “infection” by the germ theorists, thereby maintaining the illusion of contagion.[5]

However, when it was shown that these same allegedly pathogenic bacteria are found in all healthy subjects and their organs, linings and tissues, falsifying the basis of the theory, they began to look for smaller particles which they once again assumed from the outset, to be the cause of disease, instead of these particles being a by-product of disease.

09  After many real-life genuinely scientific experiments falsified their assumptions and beliefs (about viruses in patient excretions being the cause of “disease transmission”) and when they could not fulfil their own common sense criteria and principles for proving these claims (Robert Koch’s postulates, Thomas River’s revisions of these postulates), the virologists (virus hunters) resorted to sleight of hand tricks in laboratories using the viral cell culture technique in which the experimental procedure itself produces the effect (monkey kidney epithelial cells dying) which they claim to be evidence for the virus whose existence is simply assumed all along, but never proven empirically, through valid scientific experiments inclusive of controls.

Since that time in the 1950s, the deception and fraud has advanced to involve genomic sequencing, and they continued to move further and further away from reality, ending up with nothing but pure fiction.

10  Imaginary Darwinian viruses and their variants are invented on computer and declared the cause of disease conditions. People are convinced just because genomic sequences are presented, but without them realising the fraud behind the entire enterprise. This is similar to how an Ashʾarī in creed might be convinced of his doctrine (taʾwīl) but without knowing the falsehood of the underlying principles upon which his school is built. However, misinterpretations of revelation and of language are accepted by him as evidence for the veracity of the doctrine. The same is true of virologists today and those deceived by them. They have false Darwinian foundations, and misinterpret observations to create a picture of reality that is fictional.

No alleged pathogenic virus has ever been isolated, purified (with the true meanings of these words) and properly characterised. This is a statement of fact, and virology relies on linguistic deception to mask the pseudoscienfic nature of its basic procedures.

11  Virology, then has three stages of evolution:

01  The stage of common sense principles and real life empirical testing of the claim of transmission of diseases like flus and colds. This was the early 20th century. These failed to prove existence of "viruses" or that viruses are disease-causing agents and therefore, falsified viral contagion. The most famous of these experiments are the Rosenau experiments of 1918 and 1919 (see examples) involving the US Navy.

02  The stage of the laboratory cell culture, this is where the sleight of hand trickery began, during the 1950s, where the experimenter, through starvation and poisoning built into the experimental procedure, causes monkey kidney epithelial cells to become malformed or to die and break up into thousands of particles. These are then claimed to be particles of the imaginary virus, when they are nothing but debris (genetic material, proteins) of cells that have broken down by the experimental procedure itself. The nucleic acids derived from this cell culture are not from a "virus" but genetic debris from human, bovine and monkey cells. From here, computer software is used to fabricate a genomic sequence that has no existence in physical reality.[6]

03  The stage of genomic sequencing, the Malthusian Eugenicists want to eliminate even the cell culture procedure and rely only on sequencing, and this is the greatest of their fraud and deception. Basically, patient samples can be taken and using the right primers and misuse of the RT-PCR procedure and cycle threshholds, new viruses, variants and diseases can be invented at will. Everything takes place on computer (in silico) having no bearing with physical reality. This is what is at stake here, and this is what the WHO is wanting to establish, making it easier for declaration of pandemics and allowing the furtherance of the communist, collectivist agendas at play.

12  These developments and circumstances have allowed for the manufacturing of pandemics and the development of fraudulent tests and diagnostics to serve that end, to declare healthy people as “infected/asymptomatic carriers” and to help rebrand other illnesses to give the illusion of a new disease. This is where we are today with scams such as the Swine Flu, Bird Flu and Covid-19.

"Asymptomatic testing" is the great scam coming on the horizon. It worked wonders for them during Covid-19, now they want to make it universal.

"Hey, I have no symptoms and feel totally fine". "No sorry, we need to test you asymptomatically in case you are a walking biological weapon." "Your PCR test came back positive (for a meaningless, fabricated genetic sequence that has no proven connection to illness and its causes), you must now quarantine and follow orders."

The power of this is tremendous.

In this way, the perpetrators—Malthusian Eugenicists, Population Reductionists, Collectivists, Corporate Vultures—can destroy economies and livelihoods, as they did during the Covid-19 scam. One of their main targets is farming. For example, if one chicken in a farm is tested and comes back positive, they can destroy millions of chickens, upon the superstition of contagion and belief in an imaginary virus.

In reality, these animals undergo the same biological healing and repair mechanisms due to the stressed environment they are forced to live in and the unnatural diets that they may be being fed. It has nothing to do with "viruses", and no virus is needed to explain their illness. What is being tested for, is nothing but dead, inert, genetic debris that the body is actually expelling, which is misinterpreted as a "virus". If you change the environment, and feed the animals their natural diets, the illness will go away.

Note: "Viruses" are nothing but misinterpretations of genetic debris from dead cells and waste being expelled from the body. "Viral load" is simply the amount of debris being expelled by the body. All along, there is no such thing as a "pathogenic virus", and there is no valid scientific evidence proving such a thing, despite claims. This is similar to religion, where we can say there is not a single valid proof for the celebration of the Prophet's birthday, which is a fact. However, you can still be presented with dozens and dozens of alleged proofs and even statements from many reputable scholars of the past who erred, but they are misconceptions, not valid proofs.

Coming back to the subject, farming is detested by these people and is a primary target. It is what Stalin and Mao did, leading to the killing of tens of millions by starvation. In the modern era, this is the new method of enslaving people, by destroying farming, putting it into the hands of corporations, creating a feudalist type of rule. This is what the heads of the people of disbelief desire.

From the best of what a Muslim can read to have clarity in this affair and to protect his creed from corruption is this book:

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense
View PDF File
Complete book

13  The people of disbelief, the Malthusian Eugenicists, the Collectivists, through their institutions (WHO etc.), lobbying organisations and infiltrators (WEF etc.) realising the tremendous success they had this time around with Covid-19 (despite past failures) are now scrambling to cement all the various elements (technologies, bodies, institutions, treaties) to make this deceptive machinery permanent on an international scale.

WHO could gain powers to impose lockdown on UK

A new “pandemic treaty” under discussion would also force Britain to spend five per cent of its health budget on preparing for another virus outbreak.

Ministers are understood to be alarmed by plans to increase the WHO’s powers enabling its governing body to require countries to hand over the recipe of vaccines, regardless of intellectual property rights, and to counter misinformation.

Conservative MPs have written to ministers to warn of an “ambition evident…for the WHO to transition from an advisory organisation to a controlling international authority”.


The owners, funders and controllers of the WHO want an international monitoring network for the detection of "pathogens". This is the basis of their intended power grab and tyranny.

Practically it means that “viruses”, their variants and new diseases or disease scares can be invented at will, and lockdowns and other destructive harmful interventions can be imposed, without there even being a pandemic, only the threat of one. Nations and populations can be punished if they do not comply with the measures.

These people (like Bill Gates) have made it clear that there is going to be a "Pandemic Two" which is going to make people "take notice this time". Strange, how they claim to have such certain knowledge of the future.

This is a red flag alerting us to the fact that these criminals have long-term plans in place. Gates is on video stating that he invested $10 billion in vaccines and has a 20 to 1 return on investment through it. In other words, pandemics make Bill Gate (and many others) extremely rich.

Bill Gates Says Yet Another Pandemic Is Coming "It will be a different pathogen next time."

Bill Gates warns of pandemics potentially far worse than Covid Philanthropist calls on governments to contribute billions to tackle future pathogens and increase vaccine supplies.

14  The ultimate goal behind all of these agendas and machinations is to first reshape the Western world (the social pseudo-democracy)[7] into a Chinese Communist social credit system built upon Digital IDs (slave inventory system) and CBDCs (slave subsistence tokens) based on carbon credits (you must pay to breathe, eat and live) and they want the rest of the world to follow suit and work in the same way.

To this end, to convince nations, they make use of the two frauds and pseudosciences of global warming and modern virology, and claim that unless urgent action is taken (which means nations and individuals giving up their rights and sovereignty to private institutions), man will destroy Gaia (Mother Earth) and whatever is upon it.

15  As always, we ask Allāh (عز وجل) to grant success to Muslim rulers and Muslim nations in navigating these difficult waters, that He grants them good advisors and protects them from the plots and machinations of these evil people.

16  Any difficulties and trials we encounter as a result of policies that were based on incomplete or incorrect knowledge (about lockdowns, masks, distancing, vaccines), we should take that as a trial from Allāh for our sins. We do not revile the rulers, or attack them, but have patience and give advice through legislated means wherever possible.

17  At the same time, even though we may outwardly comply with these policies so as not to cause disturbance and commotion, we must not be deceived by and believe in the lies and pseudosciences of the people of disbelief, such as their exaggeration in contagion over and above the limits of both of genuine science and revealed guidance, their fraud of virology, their claim that healthy people transmit an illness they do not even have and so on.

18  Just as a Muslim, a person of the Sunnah, would advise others against the innovation of celebrating the Mawlid, because it has no basis and opposes the Sunnah, and would advise others against weak and fabricated ḥadīths because they amount to a lie against the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and against the religion, then likewise, every Muslim who has knowledge and awareness in this affair should warn against these crass, fraudulent, pseudosciences of the people of disbelief such as "global warming caused by human activity" and contagion superstition based on imaginary Darwinian viruses which are fabricated into existence in vitro and in silico (in the laboratory and on computer), having no actual physical reality in vivo (in the body itself). This is because these affairs have a direct impact on Tawḥīd, creed and conduct. The greater the awareness of these lies and frauds, the harder it becomes for the perpetrators to get away with their crimes, just as in the same way, the greater the awareness of innovations and misguidance in religion among the general folk, the harder it becomes for deviants to misguide them.

1. No entity transmits its state of illness to anything else, exactly as the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) declared and judged, and every instance of illness in each and every entity is a fresh creation of that state through the sum of its causes, conditions, factors and event chains at its appointed time and place by the decree of Allāh.
2. “Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy”, Alexander Wilder MD in 1875.
3. However, in the chronically ill and the elderly, their already compromised bodies may not be able to handle the running of a cold or flu program, and so their health should be looked after carefully.
4. https://www.gponline.com/viewpoint-influenza-h1n1-past-future/infections-and-infestations/infections-and-infestations/article/1058411
5. Infection and infestation can occur through external parasites and organisms, throuch ingestion, cuts, wounds and the likes. However, we are speaking here of disease states in which bacteria do what they are programmed to do. The germ theorists claimed that the body is a sterile environment and that "pathogens" such as bacteria come from outside to create disease. This was shown to be false as bacteria exist everywhere in the human body and are an integral part of its health and healing. They come to the scene of disease and are not its primary cause.
6. People of Tawḥīd beware! It is this part of the fraud and pseudoscience of modern virology that provides scope for tremendous deception and for the continued fabrication of imaginary viruses and variants as causes of disease (when the true causes lie elsewhere in diet, lifestyles, habits, exposure to chemicals, emf radiation etc.). Upon this, the disbelievers lead nations and populations to do baseless things such as universal masking of healthy people and disease free healthy people keeping two metres away from each other, and other acts of superstition, harbouring of omens and falsehood that exceed the limits and have no basis in genuine science.
7. These nations are so far down the path of Socialism, Collectivism already, making it easier to install this system.

Keywords: #who #covid
Source: Daily Mail
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