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False Covid-19 Vaccine Claims by Lancet: A Call for Retraction

Wednesday, May 24 2023

The organisation PANDA calls for retraction of Lancet paper claiming "Covid vaccines saved 14.4 million lives", which is exaggerated hyperbole.

On June 23, 2022, the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases published an article by Watson et al. entitled Global Impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study.[1] The authors of this paper “estimated that vaccinations prevented 14.4 million deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020 and Dec 8, 2021.” This estimate is so impossibly high that this article should be retracted by The Lancet. The obvious impossibility of their estimate may be demonstrated by any of the following five relatively simple calculations.

Read full article here.

Note that this and many other "Covid-19" studies use mathematical modelling to come up with their lies and exaggerations and are far removed from physical reality. It is a package of assumptions applied to formulas, equations and data to come up with any figure desired. These types of endeavours are not science, but closer to fortune-telling and palm reading.

Keywords: #covid
Source: Pandata.Org
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