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Daily Mail

Lockdowns More Harmful and Masks Do Not Work: German Health Body In Released Documents

Thursday, Mar 28 2024

Lockdowns, universal masking and social distancing among the healthy of a nation are all medical heresies that cause destruction and loss to wealth and health, and they only promote further fear, superstition and harbouring of omens. They are beyond the legitimate, verified means, the Islamic Shariʿah does not enjoin or recommend that which causes ruin and nor that which corrupts beliefs and behaviours. These are the exaggerated behaviours of the people of disbelief in the matter of contagion. Just as the heads of the people of disbelief enrich themselves through false religion (in which the ignorant are promised salvation through worship of idols, or saints, and are tricked by swindlers and cheats acting as rabbis, priests and imams), then so it is in the matters of the world and particularly in science, with false theories of disease, exaggeration in contagion (in this case), and manufactured and fraudulent science.

However, this was a matter of Ijtihād (jurisprudence) for the Muslim rulers in the circumstances, and so they are excused for any excesses or errors they fell into, something that happened all across the world, in just about all nations, with a few exceptions. They acted upon the knowledge and the “science” that was presented by what they consider to be trusted institutions.

What were then obvious realities to many specialists, scientists, doctors and professors (most of whom were silenced and censored) continue to be revealed as Western governments are forced to admit that they deliberately opposed the actual science that they were being advised with. However, key Western governments, in cahoots with the Chinese Communists and Technocrats, colluded with each other and using corrupt, bought out institutions such as the WHO, CDC and others, marketed a pandemic to the world, leading other nations to follow suit in harsh, destructive lockdowns and other policies.

The corrupt and bought-out institution, the WHO, is trying to acquire more power through revisions to their "International Health Regulations" and through a pandemic treaty which will give them the ability to declare pandemics upon a whim and impose the same strict measures upon populations in order to sell serums and injections for the financial benefit of their funders and donors. Essentially, it's a worldwide, organised racket, operating somewhat like the mafia, except that the perpetrators have managed to pay their way into these institutions and have hijacked them, and masquerade as saviours of humanity from imaginary Darwinian viruses and climate change which are due to man's activities of breathing, farming, eating and living.

For more information see: ExitTheWho.Com

In Germany, legal action has forced the Robert Koch Institute to reveal documents that contained advice to government policy makers.

Germany's top public health agency knew that Covid lockdowns could be more damaging than the virus itself as early as December 2020 and said mask mandates were not backed by evidence, it has been revealed.

Newly published documents from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) show its researchers explicitly warned that their analysis showed lockdowns in Africa showed 'an expected rise in child mortality'.

'The consequences of the lockdowns are in parts more severe than the virus itself,' the December 2020 report said, with another document dated to October 2020 suggesting that there was 'no evidence' to support that FFP2 medical masks could prevent the spread of Covid.

But the findings were never made public, despite researchers clearly advocating for the open communication of their research in meeting minutes, with the German government choosing to pursue legislation their own researchers advised against.

The revelations come after a two-year legal battle between the RKI and German magazine Multipolar, which ultimately won the court case to publish documents that were heavily redacted by the health agency.

Multipolar has since launched another legal claim in an attempt to secure full access to the unredacted documents, which may conceal a trove of Covid policy recommendations that the RKI and the German government opted not to share with the public.

The saga now threatens to trigger a fallout in the German government, with Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki telling German media: 'The protocols of the RKI crisis team, some of which have now been released, raise considerable doubts as to whether the political measures to deal with the corona pandemic were really taken on a scientific basis.'

Daily Mail — 25 March 2024

Source: Daily Mail
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