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Covid-19 Pandemic and injection Fraud Updates — 28 October 2023

Saturday, Oct 28 2023

As the exposition of the Covid-19 pandemic fraud built upon the pseudoscience of Darwinian Virology accelerates and begins to avalanche, we will provide short summaries of relevant reporting on developments.

This subject matter is important because it relates to both religious and worldly interests. As for the religious, it impacts the affair of Tawḥīd and its perfection, particularly, the role of materialist pseudoscience and exaggeration in contagion which harms belief and behaviour. Muslim scholars have warned against imitating the disbelievers in their superstitions and exaggerations, which are masqueraded today as "science". As for the worldly, there is an active long-term, openly stated agenda of depopulation to “sustainable” levels. Muslim scholars have advised with caution in this matter, and with distrust of the intentions and agendas of the people of disbelief. A believer ought not to be stung from the same hole twice.[1]

01 How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators. According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization. "These strategies [of Pfizer] kept regulators and the public ignorant of a 3.7-fold increase in cardiac deaths among subjects who received the vaccine, according to analysis in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research. The authors of the paper described it as a “forensic analysis,” defined by the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology as “the use of scientific methods or expertise to investigate crimes or examine evidence that might be presented in a court of law.” Vigilant Fox

Comment: Pfizer is a criminal organisation, serving as a front-end, and in collusion with the FDA and other actors, facilitated the deployment of the “countermeasure” of Covid-19 injections against populations of the world, as part of a wider, long-term agenda aimed at reducing the world’s population through death, disease and injury. The nations of the world were misled with fake science. There are too many people unwilling to admit these concretely established factual realities.

02  COVID-19 passports did little to convince people to get vaccinated in Quebec, Ontario: study. “The passports, which forced people to show proof of vaccination to enter places such as bars and restaurants, were directly responsible for a rise of 0.9 per cent in the vaccination rate in Quebec and 0.7 per cent in Ontario, says Jorge Luis Flores, a research assistant at McGill University and lead author of the paper published Tuesday in the CMAJ Open journal. Flores said the study shows the ‘need for other policies that are going to be able to reach those people who are either opposed to vaccination, or who faced structural barriers that prevented them from getting vaccinated.’” GlobalNews.Ca.

Comment: Vaccine passports to prove you are not "contagious" after having been injected with mRNA snake-oil, so that you can participate in society and feed yourself and your family, did not work (neither did the injections). Hence, they are looking for "other policies" to convince the well-informed that can't be reached by behavioural psychology, marketing propaganda and media brainwashing. Vaccine passports are just one angle or approach in reaching the long-term goal of the Collectivists and Malthusian Eugenicists. The other is Carbon passports, upon the basis that human activity destroys the planet and hence, some sort of regulation is needed, even of the most basic needs and necessities.

Note that due to the Covid-19 scam, high-profile mainstream medical doctors are questioning the vaccination enterprise as a whole, and some have vowed never to take another shot again. The dubious scientific grounds upon which vaccination is based is finally being penetrated and pierced.

03  Piercing the Veil of Silence over Excess Deaths. On October 20th, a 30-minute adjourned debate on excess deaths in the UK House of Commons was finally secured by Andrew Bridgen, MP for North West Leicestershire. "We’ve experienced more excess deaths since July 2021 than in the whole of 2020, unlike the pandemic, however, these deaths are not disproportionately of the old, in other words, the excess deaths are striking down people in the prime of life but no-one seems to care." Bridgen closed the debate by stating the following: "The experimental covid-19 vaccines are not safe and are not effective." Video and summary of presentation at: Childrens Health Defence.

One of the statistics mentioned is the alarming rise of deaths in children aged 0 to 14 in Europe, which began immediately after approval of the Pfizer snake-oil juice in May 2021.

Comment: All through the Covid-19 Pandemic scam, daily case and death numbers were plastered all over the media, people had to be reminded every hour of those dying "with" Covid, with a pretense of care for human life. Now, when death and destruction of lockdowns and vaccine mandates are becoming clear (excess death rates), there is complete silence. The money has been made, and the perpetrators don't care, they are waiting eagerly for the next pandemic of which they already have advanced knowledge.

04  The Psychological Playbook: Brainwashing Techniques to Increase “Vaccine” Uptake. It’s no accident that two-thirds of the world’s population fell for the greatest psychological fear campaign in human history. Thoroughly-studied brainwashing techniques were used. Here’s how they pulled it off. A review of eight scientific papers. This is a summary from Vigilant News:

  • The appeal to “protect the community” was probably the most effective brainwashing technique - mainly to protect family, friends, the community, the healthcare system - they knew that this would pressure many vaccine hesitant to get the shots (especially concern about family members with medical conditions)
  • this worked even better when they attached an emotion to it
  • “The increased observability” was the most effective brainwashing technique to get people to adopt a brand new technology (LNP/mRNA), a technique that was used by Apple and its Ipod - and this was employed via “DIGITAL BADGES” on facebook that we now use to identify vaccine status of the thousands who are dying suddenly from COVID-19 Vaccine injuries.
  • This also involved “PHYSICAL BADGES” which were in the form of vaccine cards that people proudly photographed and displayed on social media
  • Finding a common enemy - went from a “novel Coronavirus” to the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and this was tied in with:
  • judging negatively those who refused to be vaccinated, the “free riders” who benefited from the herd immunity created by the vaccinated
  • the unvaccinated once identified as “the common enemy” were punished and sanctioned by being excluded from society
  • the poor treatment of the unvaccinated undoubtedly forced some to get vaccinated to avoid such a fate
  • reputation concerns - doctors and scientists who did not conform to the Propaganda had their reputations smeared and destroyed and were made examples of by mainstream media to keep other doctors scared and sticking to the narrative, even at the cost of their or their own patients’ lives
  • Justin Trudeau created a smear campaign of the unvaccinated, calling them names such as “fringe minority” and claiming that they were racists and misogynists
  • thus “reputation destruction” was a strong brainwashing tool that probably forced some to get vaccinated
  • vaccine scarcity was leveraged as first responders were given “hero” status and were the first ones lined up to get the vaccines as a sign of honor and a reward
  • they were basically held up as examples for the rest of the population to follow
  • REWARDS - ability to travel, go to restaurants, go to stadiums, concerts, participate in physical activities and sports - that, for a time, were only given to the vaccinated as “rewards” for being “good citizens”
  • donuts, burgers & fries, ice cream for kids - predatory behavior
  • $100 incentive or entry into a million dollar lottery
  • PUNISHMENTS - vaccine mandates, employment termination, removal of unemployment benefits, decreased ability to travel, inability to find new employment, etc.
  • Fear of loss of freedoms - this was another major driving factor, people didn’t want to lose the freedom to travel, the freedom to enjoy life (restaurants, concerts, sports, stadiums), the freedom to take care of loved ones
  • this is now being contemplated as one of the key fear tactics in getting people to take COVID-19 boosters again.
  • people will be reminded of lockdowns and the message will be: “you don’t want us to bring lockdowns back, do you? Then get vaccinated
  • Brainwashing by a trusted doctor - this is currently seen as one of the few plausible avenues to bring the COVID-19 vaccine hesitant back into the fold and get them to start taking mRNA vaccines regularly again.
  • There will be huge pressure on doctors to get COVID-19 vaccine uptake up to 85% again
  • this will be tied to regular doctor visits, physicals, annual doctor visits, etc.

Comment: All of these well-studied and refined techniques to manipulate and control people's thoughts, emotions and behaviours comprise a type of magic, the magic of speech (siḥr al-bayān), against which one needs to be on guard, because, and very sadly, in the modern era, it can mean the difference between life and death.

1. Islamic rulings must be based on factual realities when they are evident. While there can arise emergency situations, where due to absence of knowledge (and also the presence of agendas, lies, fraud and deception on behalf of malicious actors), necessarily hasty decisions have to be made, and can require only preponderance of belief (غلبة الظن) and can be excused, when the factual realities become plain and clear, then Islamic rulings must reflect these realities.

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