Imām Al-Albānī: I Am in Great Doubt About the Islām of Those Who Revolt Against the Muslim Rulers

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Sunday, Feb 26 2023
Filed under Khārijites

Shaykh al-Albānī (رحمه الله) said while speaking about the bloodshed and turmoil which occurred in Algeria during the early 1990s:[1]

Those who desire to revolt against some of the Muslim rulers, then let them revolt against the disbelieving polytheists, however they desire to plant tribulations among the Muslims.

So in reality, I am in great doubt about two affairs, about the Islām of those people in reality. Meaning, that I fear that they are from the enemies of Islām who have worn the apparel of the Muslims, or the other, that they are Muslims practically speaking, but they are ignoramuses with exremity of ignorance.

But I consider it remote that they are from the Muslims, rather they are from those who dress up in the apparel of the Muslims and they wish to muddle the purity of Islam, its purity and whiteness by attributing actions to it which Islām and the Muslims are free of like freedom of the wolf from the blood of the son of Ya`qūb.

Shaykh al-Albānī is speaking about disbelievers who wear the apparel of Islām and promote the way of the Khārijites, whether ideologically, or on the ground, and this is what is known to have happened in Algeria, when French intelligence services deployed agents to dress as Muslims and slaughter men, women and children, entire villages, in order to stoke conflict.

This type of chaos and confusion is given opportunity to arise when people do not show patience over hardships and difficulties, and without addressing the true and real causes (of hardships and tyranny), try to hasten change through protests, demonstrations and the likes. These lead to civil strife and grant opportunity to outside third-parties and vultures to swoop in and pursue their own agendas.

Regarding the Khārijites, they are considered by most scholars to be sinful Muslims and there are many scholars who consider them to be disbelievers, and they have evidences for this view.

The view of takfīr of the Khārijites is supported by Shaykh ʿAbd Al-ʿAzīz Bin Bāz (رحمه الله) (see here) and Shaykh ʿUbayd al-Jābirī (رحمه الله) from the contemporaries.

Arabic Text:

« فــإذا أراد هـؤلاء الخارجون على بعض الحكـام المسلمين فليخرجوا علــى الكفــار المشركيـن، ولكنهــم يريــدون أن يبثـوا الفتـن بيـن المسلميــن . فأنا في الحقيقة في شك كبير من أمرين "اثنين" من إسلام هؤلاء حقيقة، أي: أخشى أن يكونوا من أعداء الإسلام تلبسوا بثياب المسلمين، وإن كانت الأخرى، وهي أنهم مسلمون فعلاً، ولكنهم جهلة في منتهى الجهالة . وأنا أستبعد أن يكون هؤلاء من المسلمين، وإنما هم من المتزيين بزي الإسلام، ويريدون أن يشوهوا نصاعة الإسلام وبياضه ونقاوته، بأن ينسبوا إليه أفعالاً، الإسلام والمسلمون حقّاً هم برآء "أبرياء" مما ينسب إليهم براءة الذئب من دم ابن يعقوب » .

1. Fatāwā al-ʿUlamā al-Akābir Limā Uhdira Min Dimā fil-Jazāʾir (pp.100, 104)

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