Ibn Taymiyyah: the Origin of Bid’ah Is Revilement of the Sunnah with Suspicion and Desire

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Translated June 2002
Filed under Sects & Innovations

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) said:

فكان مبدأ البدع هو الطعن في السنة بالظن والهوى، كما طعن إبليس في أمر ربه برأيه وهواه

And the origin, starting point of Bid’ah is revilement of the Sunnah by (one’s) suspicion and desire, just as Iblīs reviled the command of His Lord with his opinion and desire. [1]

The origin of innovation comes about by revilement of the Sunnah that does not agree with ones suspicion, intellect and desire, and from this arose the sects and innovations. This is indicative of the fact that the Innovators are not content with the Sunnah, and what it has brought in the affairs of knowledge and action.

The Jahmiyyah, Muʿtazilah and Ashāʿirah reviled the Sunnah in what it contained of affirmation of Allāh’s attributes which did not agree with their suspicion and desire. And then in turn they reviled its people.

The Qadariyyah reviled the Sunnah in what it contained of affirmation of Allāh’s prior knowledge (ʿilm), power (qudrah) and will (mashīʾah) which encompass the whole creation.

The Jabariyyah reviled what the Sunnah contained of affirmation of will, choice and responsibility for Allāh’s creation. And then in turn they reviled its people.

The Rāfiḍah reviled the Sunnah in what it contained of the virtues and precedence of Abu Bakr, ʿUmar and ʿUthmān (رضي الله عنهم), and other than them from the Companions. And then in turn they reviled its people.

The Murjiʾah reviled the Sunnah in what it contained of the command to actions, the threat of punishment for those who abandoned it and the increase and decrease of īmān. And then in turn they reviled its people.

Thereafter, taʾwīl (figurative interpretation) of the evidences which contradict their suspicion and desire is the route taken by these people as explained by Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله).

1. Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā (3/350)