Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī on Muslims Affected with Democracy and Socialism

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Written May 2017
Filed under Contemporary Issues

Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī (رحمه الله) mentioned how many of the Muslims— being ignorant of the realities of their religion, that its legislation is fit and suited for all times and places, as it is revelation and legislation from Allāh, the Lord of the Worlds—that they have become victim to ideological movements which have waged battle against Islām and misguided many of its adherents.

As a result, they fell into merging foreign ideologies with Islāmic principles, particularly in the fields of constitution, law and economy.

Likewise, the Shaykh mentioned how materialist atheist ideologies coming from the direction of Freemasonry have played with the minds of the Muslims, particularly those authors (or thinkers and literary writers) who ascribe to Islāmic knowledge and who write on these subjects.

The Shaykh mentions two great errors of these writers:[1]

The explanation of shūrā (consultation) in Islām by some of them with western democracy, or western parliamentarism, or the parliamentary sitting. All of these are blunders indicative of ignorance.

Then he says:

Their claim—or the claim of some of them—that Islām does not afirm the system of class variation, rather it calls to ending class division and to distribution of wealth and property between the people until there is no more variation between people with respect to their provision. They consider this variation in provision to be oppression.

In their claim, there is not to be any rich class alongside the presence of the poor class who are in poverty. Some of them said: “Indeed, Islām screams against class distinction.”


01  We have mentioned in other articles how the modern system of Social Democracy is nothing more than a stepping stone for the tyranny of Communism (Collectivism, Communitarianism), this being its inevitable end-result, something we are observing now in real time in the Western nations, under the label of the "The Great Reset" which is being implemented by the two prongs and pseudosciences of global warming and viral contagion.

These two pseudosciences are being usee to impoverish nations, societies and individuals, particularly the affluent Western nations, in order to lower their standing of living and to redistribute wealth to poorer nations.

02  What is presented as democracy in the modern era (“rule of the people, for the people, by the people”) is a fake, sham type of democracy. The most important missing element of the true democracy is annulment by jury wherein the people are able to abolish laws that turn out to be unjust during trials. This puts true power into the hands of the people.

Both these forms of democracy (the fake and the genuine) are disbelief as they give the right of judgement to other than Allāh.

Instead they have been give an ornamental type of democracy which looks good on the surface and is good for decoration and appearance. It is called representative democracy where corrupt or corruptible individuals find their way into positions of power (as “members of parliament”), and serve private and corporate interests rather than those of the people. Truthfulness and honesty do not survive for long or have much say or power within this type of democratic system. Those who are truthful and wish to serve the people become marginalised and powerless.

03  Further reading and resources:

1. Refer to Ḥaqīqat al-Shūrā fil-Islām (Dār al-Taqwā, 1413H), p. 10.

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